"You passed out!" He laughed and told me the tales of our New Years Eve party of the night before.
York passes out nightly from drinking too much, or too fast, or drinking before he eats dinner, so he was quite proud of his success in staying strong the night before. I on the other hand, had the opposite experience, and drank too quickly without eating enough dinner and then made it to midnight and decided to sleep in the New Year. No embarrassing moments, no funny stories, but York said I just put my head on the table and napped while everyone drank along the waterfront near the Esplanade in Singapore.
I woke up feeling the effects of the gin and was in desperate need of food. 1030 was too late for breakfast, so York and I opted to try to sleep off the hangover and ended up waking up at 2pm. We were both feeling ok, and York was actually quite drunk until late in the day.
We decided to try to go to the food court that I had discovered near the waterfront for lunch. The weather was extremely hot and we were both feeling strange, but fortunately we made it to the food court in our hungover state.
This place has a great selection of food at reasonable prices. Chinese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, and even a Wendy's! We both were able to get some good food (I had lasagna and caesar salad and he had noodles) and then we decided we needed to head back to our corner room in the Claremont for some rest.
We layed down and watched Bruno and showered. Bruno was absolutely hilarious! It was even funnier because Bruno (a gay Austrian model) speaks similar to York. York speaks really good English, but has trouble with his TH sounds and they always end up sounding like F sounds. The W's are always V and the V's can be W's ... and watching Bruno and listening to "Vonderful" made my day! I have actually learned quite a bit of German in the last weeks traveling too!
Here is some of the German I have learned
How are you? - Ver gets deer?
I am good. - Mir gets gud.
Are you hungry? - Has due honga?
I am hungry. - Ich habe honga.
What shall we do? - Vas vollen vir ma hen?
Shut up! Hals Mal
That is big!- Das iz reisig!
Lets go! - Offgets
Wait - Valtey
No - Nine
After we finished our movie and were clean, I convinced York that we should go to the New Asia Bar, which is located on the 70th floor of the Swissotel. It is free to go there before 9 pm and has amazing views of the city, but very expensive food and drinks.
Since it is our actual last day together, he agreed because he knew that I really wanted to go there. We made it there by 730 and
went up the high speed private elevator to the New Asia Bar.
Once inside, I was really impressed by the sparkling city below. Glittering lights of all colors were surrounding me. I ordered a chocolate vanilla martini and strawberries and set down to enjoy the beautiful atmosphere. Drinking me martini and taking it all in, I really felt happy to have come to Singapore. It is a classy city, and although expensive, worth the trip.
York enjoyed it there, but he doesn't like being surrounded by snobby rich people, so he was really ready to leave once I had finished my pricy cocktail.
From the top of the city at a martini bar in the sky down to a street food court fast food joint we went! New Asia Bar was followed up by a trip to Wendys where we devoured a double cheeseburger, fries, baked potato with sour cream, and a chocolate frosty.
I think that had to be a perfect evening for me and pretty much sums up my style. I enjoy the cheap fastfood just as much as the expensive classy dining, but one without the other would not fit for me. I need a bit of a balance in everything I do.
Stomachs full, we traveled back to the internet cafe so York could book his flights and I could update my blog. Our travels together will end tomorrow, and he will head to Philippines and I will head back to Bangkok.
When will we see eachother again?
"No one knows" - Yorks answer
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