Even though we arrived at 12, they had our room ready for us and let us check in early. It was quite nice and we both were happy.... at first. Part of the reason we had wanted to stay at a nicer hotel in the first place was so York could use his laptop and take care of all the things he had to do. He had to book flights and talk to his family, so we thought the free internet and WIFI would have been handy, but little did we know the hotel had a $25 surcharge for usage.
Despite the bad news, we tried to make the best of it and he took me to China Town for lunch. It was masses of people eating various different noodles, dumplings and rice with drinks of lime juice and teas all in a dingy foodcourt. The food looked decent although the health standards of this place were equivalent to eating on the street with the rats circling my ankles in Bangkok. We eventually found a table in the middle and York ordered some sort of sweet and sour seafood medly, while I opted for a hot and sour soup and dumplings for $6 Sing dollars.
I tried to eat the food, but around me where people yelling and dropping plates and every person in sight seemed to have not showered in the last week. I am not usually that picky, but the sights around me made me lose my appetite and the grease filling my mouth made me sick. I gave up on the lunch after a few greasy dumplings and settled for a blueberry shake.
That evening, I went for a swim in the pool and continued on with my book about the Cambodian Girl. York had to organize his things to send back to Germany, so we each did our own things for awhile.
Before we headed out to dinner, I had to have a little stand off with hotel management about our internet issue. I didn't want York to even try to talk to them, because he just gets angry and his German accent just makes him sound abbrasive although that is not necessarily his intention. The guest services worker tried to offer us 30 minutes free internet use in their PC room, but after I finally talked to the head manager I was able to get us 24 hours of broadband use for free in our room.
We ended up heading back to Little India that night for dinner at a nice restaurant. The food was much better than our lunch had been, so we were both happy about that. We went back to the hotel and finished off our Smirnoff (purchased at the airport due to ridiculous Sing prices) and went to sleep.
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