Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 31-Botanical Garden again, Happy New Year!

We woke up in the dorm room at NUS (National University of Singapore) and I felt like I was back in university. Or maybe I felt even younger, because I was having to sneak around. Luckily, I am short and dress like a college student so it really doesn't matter too much.

Although the housing was cheap, it was really making me crazy. Staying so far away from the city center was a pain in the ass, and to get anywhere near I wanted to go required at least a 45 minute bus and MRT (subway) journey. I was really not enjoying the dorm time, even though the dorm itself was clean and it was not bad for accomadation.

Since York and I had been driving eachother crazy, we agreed that some time apart would be the best plan that day. We decided to head to the internet cafe and then go on our own seperate agendas for the day.

Since I had forgot my camera the day before, I decided to go on a run to the Botanical Gardens again. I had to take the 105 bus from Commonwealth subway station to the Botanical Gardens, but that was short and only took me about 10 minutes.

Arriving to the gardens alone, I was able to really take in all the beauty of my surroundings. Just as I was walking in a
nd looking at all the crazy trees covered in vines, I spotted a monkey sitting on one of the branches playing with a piece of styrafoam. I tried to get close to him and snap a photo, but unlike t
he turtles which swam right up to me the day before this guy was camera shy and dissapeared into the forest.

I joged around the lake and enjoyed looking at all of the wildlife that was hidden in the greenery.

I stopped and looked at all the cute turtles popping their heads out looking for food. I was amazed at all of the exotic birds that were feeding on insects along side the pond, and I am sure that if I knew more about birds I would have been really impressed.

I even saw some beautiful black swans swimming in the pond, and since they are a rare sight I found them to be even more beautiful than the white ones.

Time flew by, and before I knew it I had to get back to meet York. We were going to move our things into a hotel in the city for the next 2 nights, so we didn't have to make the long commute back and forth. I arrived 25 minutes late at 6:25, but he wasn't angry because he understood the unpredictability of traveling by public transport.

We packed up our backpacks, showered, and headed to the city to find the hotel. Unfortunately, everything takes longer than expected and York was really late for dinner plans. He was hungry and definitely scary at this point, so I was able to get ready within 5 minutes as to not further his grumpy attitude. Usually, I take at least an hour to find an outfit, do my hair, get my make up on and complete a look when I go out, but on this occasion I knew I had to hurry or we would spend our New Years seperately.

By this time it was already about 10 and York had missed dinner plans he had previously had with his friends. So instead, we just went to McDonalds and inhaled some food before going to a bar where his friend Khai (also the nice guy who let us stay at his dorm) would be spinning old school hip hop to ring in the new year.

We mixed gin into our drinks and walked quickly to the bar which was located on a street called Arab street, which is filled with cute restaurants with outside seating. Once there, we met Yorks friends (Yvonne, Carmen, Mahrti, etc) and sat down at a table outside and began drinking. I ordered an overpriced Singapore Sling, just so I could say that I have had a Singapore Sling in Singapore.

12 o clock came and went without too much fuss or celebration over it. The countdown was quiet and we barely even noticed it. Supposedly there were fireworks in the background, but I didn't see any of them.

This is where it starts to get fuzzy for me, because at this point I decided to mix Heineken with Gin. NOT SMART! I just remember talking to people, then getting in a taxi, and that is about all.

We made it to the waterfront near the Merlion, and I remember talking to York's friend Yohan slightly. Supposedly, this is the time I slept the New Year away and just put my head down.

Eventually, York and I made it back to our hotel in Little India neighborhood around 4 he says. By this time I was awake again and hungry, so we got noodles he says and ate them in record time.

Unfortunately or maybe it was a blessing in disguise, I have no photos to document any of the events because I had forgotten my camera. Oh well, I guess I don't need pictures of myself sleeping on a table to ring in 2010! hahahh

Anyway, it is 2010 and the start of a New Year! I wonder what lies ahead...

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